Empowerment begins with financial freedom.

Press Features


Published March 8, 2022


“Honeybee CEO and co-founder Ennie Lim share her experiences launching the financial wellness fintech in the wake of her own personal financial challenges. In this episode of EMERGE Everywhere, Ennie joins Jennifer to talk about coping with gender discrimination in financial services, helping employers navigate operational transformation through the height of the pandemic, and uncovering effective solutions for vulnerable workers, like rainy day funds for workplaces. Listen to learn how Ennie and HoneyBee are bridging financial literacy gaps, and taking steps toward workplace equality.”


Published December 2021

2021 Inspiring fintech female

“As a founder, our goal is to create a successful business by creating value. There are millions of ways you can choose to live, but if you choose the entrepreneur path, you need to understand that this isn’t a regular job. More is expected of you, your brain, your heart. So figure out what you truly want to do and how you want to create a positive impact, do something that matters and pushes society forward.”


Published December 4, 2021

Creating a Happier Workforce With HoneyBee

“I’ve always believed in challenging the status quo, People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. HoneyBee was an idea that resulted from my own financial setback but I believe in turning this idea into a movement- destigmatizing financial health support in the workplace.”

Published November 11, 2021

Interview with todd anderson; featuring emerging fintech founders and leading venture capitalists.

Ennie and I jump into what are the various gaps out there, and how does a HoneyBee-type fintech help to begin closing those gaps. The importance to show employers that they work with, that HoneyBee itself is a diverse company. I think that sets a really great example of how important it would be for financial education to be a part of our everyday curriculum, especially for young kids going through that today.


Published September/October 2021 Issue


“Today, Lim is the co-founder and CEO of financial solutions platform HoneyBee, which offers 0% APR loans of up to a thousand dollars to employees in need, as well as personalized financial coaching. But her path to the C-suite was hard-won.”

Published September 8, 2021

Published September 8, 2021

LA Startup HoneyBee Taps Into 'Rainy Day Loans' Market

"A part of our mission is to offer an equitable and inclusive solution. A lot of DEI leaders are starting to look at this option is because we are essentially reducing the financial literacy gap in the workplace," Lim stated." They are finally starting to realize people come from different socio-economic backgrounds and financial education."

Published September 7, 2021

Published September 7, 2021

HoneyBee raises millions to make financial wellness a workplace benefit

The Los Angeles-based Certified B Corp describes itself as a B2B financial technology company that is on a mission to give employees — and their families — free access to financial support in the workplace as a benefit. That support could come in the form of employer-sponsored “no-cost rainy day funds” and on-demand financial therapy with the goal of “creating a healthier workforce environment.

Published August 25, 2021

Published August 25, 2021

real change starts with real trouble

It’s been 100 years since the 19th Amendment passed, and we’ve come a long way…maybe. But there’s a lot more work left to do. And we’re not about to wait 100 more years to see it happen. We’re gonna cause some Trouble and spark some courageous disruption for good.

Published August 20, 2021

Published August 20, 2021

NGPF Podcast: Ennie Lim co-founded HoneyBee to improve financial wellness in the workplace

Ennie has created a business at HoneyBee that combines the best of fintech while retaining a socially-oriented mission. Listen as she describes how HoneyBee's products and services increase financial wellness in the workplace through a combination of a "rainy day fund" and financial education.

Published July 26, 2021

Published July 26, 2021

Benefits in action: How this CEO changed financial wellness by tackling her own

“Employers should play a much bigger part in making sure that they can provide equitable and inclusive solutions, Lim says. People come from different socioeconomic backgrounds and they're not going to talk about it at work, but that's the reality.”

Published May 26, 2021

Published May 26, 2021

Paradigm for Parity® Coalition Presents Very Courageous Conversations: Addressing the Barriers Asian American Pacific Islander Women Face in the Workplace

“I grew up in an experience where it wasn’t inclusive and diverse. And today, as a leader and a CEO, I definitely try to change that culture. And I go above and beyond to make sure that everyone feels included and their ideas matter.”

Published April 9, 2021

Published April 9, 2021

EBN: Financial wellness is a critical tool for DEI initiatives

BIPOC employees are struggling more with financial stress, according to the American Staffing Association’s latest survey on the workforce — 65% of Hispanics and 58% of Blacks are worried about being able to pay their rent or mortgage. Of those who identify as white, 44% said they are concerned.

The stress of financial challenges impacts a company’s bottom line, due to costs associated with low productivity and poor mental health. Financial wellness benefits can be one tool to combat financial stress and provide equal opportunities for all employees.

Published February 19, 2021

Published February 19, 2021

EBN: Creating a corporate culture that promotes financial health

Financial pressures have increased dramatically over the last year. Between the delays in government assistance and added expenses due to the pandemic, your employees’ and co-workers’ financial burdens have grown. Fortunately, some companies are proactively dismantling the culture of shame and silence around money. They’re taking action and seeing the benefits of higher-performing, more focused, and loyal employees. Your company can do this too. Here are three things your business can do to break the taboo around money talk.

Published November 5, 2020

Published November 5, 2020

Founder Spotlights: Insights from Ennie Lim, CEO & Cofounder of Honeybee

Coronavirus has affected everyone around the world. Yet, its impact has varied greatly from person to person and business to business, often depending on who they are, where they live, and importantly, their financial situation. We recently sat down with Ennie Lim, Co-Founder and CEO of HoneyBee, a startup and certified B Corp helping to promote financial wellness from within the workplace.

Published October 16, 2020

Published October 16, 2020

Ennie Lim Mixes Fintech with Social Entrepreneurship

Ennie Lim is the CEO and co-founder of HoneyBee Financial Wellness and a fintech industry disruptor who is bringing fresh air and inclusion to a domain of affluent elites. An advocate of social entrepreneurship, Lim has been showered with attention and accolades. She was the subject of Forbes Magazine profiles in 2018 and 2019 and earned a place on the 2019 Inc. Magazine Top 100 Female Founders list. A certified B (benefit) corporation founded in 2016, her company, HoneyBee Financial Wellness has a mission to help (primarily) low- and moderate-income working people overcome obstacles that undermine the goal of responsible financial management.

Published October 1, 2020

Published October 1, 2020

Achieving gender equity in the fintech community

Despite some progress, the vast majority of fintech founders are still men. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Learn how key stakeholders in the financial industry could create opportunities for women and for growth.

Published September 29, 2020

Published September 29, 2020

B Corps Turn to Stakeholder Connections to Help Workers and Community During COVID-19

Amid Public Health Crisis and Financial Upheaval, B Corps Provide Assistance to Maintain Stability

Published September 24, 2020

Published September 24, 2020

This Entrepreneur Built Her Business Around Helping Others Focus on Financial Wellness

The founder of Honeybee, Ennie Lim suffered a major financial setback. Now she's helping others endure their own.

Published September 22, 2020

Published September 22, 2020

FORBES: Do Businesses Have A Role In Solving Poverty In The Time Of COVID-19? These B Corps Say ‘Yes’

COVID-19 shook what was a fragile financial foundation for many people in the United States: 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and 69% have less than $1,000 in savings for an emergency. That means small and large unexpected events, from car trouble to medical bills to job loss, can lead to a financial spiral or force workers to borrow against their retirement fund. In short, the effects of the coronavirus have been felt most by the least fortunate among us.

Published September 18, 2020

Published September 18, 2020

Your employees need actionable financial education now more than ever

According to a recent Charles Schwab Financial Literacy Survey conducted by The Harris Poll, Americans wished they had better money management skills. When asked what they would teach their younger selves about personal finance based on what they know today, Americans said the value of saving money (59%), basic money management (52%), and how to set financial goals and work toward them (51%). This data supports our approach to our polished workshop curriculum.

Published August 26, 2020

Published August 26, 2020

Just go grind with justin gordon

Ennie Lim, Co-Founder and CEO of HoneyBee and an Inc. Magazine Top 100 Female Founder of 2019, on Building a Holistic Financial Wellness Platform, De-Stigmatizing Financial Health Support in the Workplace, and Turning an Idea into a Movement.

Published July 8, 2020

Published July 8, 2020

How to move beyond discussions about diversity and inclusion

Enhance your diversity and inclusion initiatives by acknowledging systemic barriers to financial health and providing solutions. Look for programs that don't rely on creditworthiness to loan funds, and that deliver personalized, actionable financial education.

Published June 26, 2020

Published June 26, 2020


Fintech Panelists: Andrei Cherny, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Aspiration, Ennie Lim, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, HoneyBee, Hans Morris, Managing Partner, Nyca Partners, Emmalyn Shaw, Managing Partner, Flourish Ventures, Moderator: Theodora Lau, Founder, Unconventional Ventures

Published May 22, 2020

Published May 22, 2020

Employees need access to affordable credit now more than ever

The coronavirus pandemic has made credit scores much less reliable in determining the trustworthiness of borrowers and their associated risk. Virtually overnight, financial institutions must completely reassess the perceived risk of lending to consumers. It’s uncharted territory.

Published April 16, 2020

Published April 16, 2020

Building a Financially Healthy Workforce, One Company at a Time

In the time of this global pandemic, it has become even more clear that the majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Employers are having to furlough or lay off their employees in order to maintain control of their business. And employees are having to become more understanding of the fact that their financial security and employment status could change at any moment.

Published April 13, 2020

Published April 13, 2020

Financial wellness programs show your employees you have their back

Though employers may feel they're doing enough in terms of implementing safety precautions, and in some cases, are increasing wages, their employees need more. Workers need to know unequivocally that their employers have their back.

Published March 17, 2020

Published March 17, 2020

How companies can financially support workers who can't go remote

COVID-19 has brought flex time and remote work into the spotlight and forced us to re-evaluate our work culture. We’re putting our long-held values and beliefs about being physically present in the office on pause.

Published February 17, 2020

Published February 17, 2020

Empathy in action

Join us to hear how empathy not only is the reason Ennie started HoneyBee, but how she applies it to being a leader and operationalizes empathy (and audacity!) as a value in her organization. Started when Ennie realized the awful industry that is payday loans, this company gives organizations a chance to help their employees break the cycle of paycheck to paycheck living. 

Published April 30, 2019

Published April 30, 2019

Propel summit: Friends & Fintech

Fintech & Financial Wellness Panel: Jeff Rosenberger of Guideline, Ennie Lim of Honeybee Financial Wellness, James Gutierrez of Aura, Katie Selenski of CalSavers, and Emmalyn Shaw of Flourish Ventures

Published September 16, 2019

Published September 16, 2019

10 Innovative Women Building Mega-Successful Businesses That Are Shaking Up Their Industries

Lim knows how important, and precarious, one's credit score can be. After her divorce, the so-called age on her score suddenly sank to zero--and older is generally better. Her only option for a personal loan: payday lenders. "Payday loans take advantage of some of the most vulnerable people in America," says Lim of the $90 billion industry. 

Published September 16, 2019

Published September 16, 2019

The 100 Women Building America's Most Innovative and Ambitious Businesses

The entrepreneurs on Inc.'s second annual Female Founders 100 list have transformed every major industry in America. Meet the boundless dreamers making the biggest difference in 2019.

Published May 7, 2019

Published May 7, 2019

Beyond the Check by John Weems

HoneyBee CEO Ennie Lim wants to help ensure fewer Americans have to turn to predatory lenders.

Published June 11, 2019

Published June 11, 2019


How fintech startups are providing solutions for the unbanked and underbanked in emerging markets to access credit, savings, mobile payments, and more. Approximately 31% of adults worldwide do not have bank accounts, according to the World Bank. Over the last decade, various financial institutions and tech companies have worked to close this gap by providing tools to access credit outside of traditional banks, manage savings and debt, and more.

Published February 27, 2019

Published February 27, 2019

As protections disappear, the $90B payday lending industry lives to prey another day

The $90B payday loan industry lends money to 12m cash-strapped Americans at sky-high interest rates, forcing them to take out loans to pay off their loans, a cycle that prompted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to start cracking down on the industry in 2017.

Published January 18, 2019

Published January 18, 2019

Don’t Ignore Your Employees’ Financial Struggles

41% of American adults could not cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings, or a credit card they could pay off entirely when the statement came in. So, if the car breaks down, the lease is up, and they need to pay a security deposit; a long-distance relative is sick and they need to get on a plane; or they break a tooth and don’t carry dental insurance, they are stuck. And stressed. One financial crisis can completely disrupt their lives.

Published January 11, 2019

Published January 11, 2019

FORBES: Meet The Woman Turning The Payday Loan Industry On Its Head

It’s the early 2000s and Ennie Lim is what creditors refer to as credit invisible. Despite touting a bachelors degree from a prestigious university in Montreal and logging several years of work experience in the US working for San Fransisco nonprofits, Lim has no history with any of the US banking institutions and therefore is unable to get approved for any of the major credit cards. 

Published November 16, 2018

Published November 16, 2018

12 Items You're Wasting Money On (plus an intro to Honeybee)

Halfway through the show we'll take a short FinTech Friday segment break to talk to Ennie Lim from HoneyBee. Ever had a money crunch in life, and you weren't sure what you were going to do? Or maybe you own a business and you wish you could do more for your employees to help them manage the inevitable money crunch? We'll find out more about how Honeybee is helping those in their times of need during today's Fintech segment.

Published October 22, 2018

Published October 22, 2018

Honeybee Co-Founder, Ennie Lim’s $100 million Effort to Disrupt the Payday Lending Industry

Ennie Lim understood firsthand how easy it is to find yourself in the need of short-term cash, and how hard it is to create long-term financial security, after her divorce in 2016. 

Published October 20, 2018

Published October 20, 2018

Good day sacramento

Tina is talking with Ennie Lim from HoneyBee talking about the new best way to get safe short-term loans.

Published July 19, 2018

Published July 19, 2018

forbes: The Transformational Power of Economic Empathy

This crisis has rippling effects across the workplace and the economy as a whole, but for several reasons, it is rarely discussed. Financial wellness is a big part of the mental and emotional health of working adults. Admitting one’s struggle is a vulnerable act fraught with potential risks, both social and financial.